Here’s a verse we all love: Matthew 6:33. “But seek ye…” In fact, let me pause and when I get to that “ye,” you put in what number. “But seek ye…” Come on, folks. Now I heard a few folks over there in Vermont and a couple over there in the Atlanta area, but let’s all get with it. No, I didn’t really hear, over in London, anybody. So come on, anyone. Let’s get with it. “But seek ye” – say it. First, you got it. He said, “What a nut!” Oh, if you think this is bad, I can get a lot worse than that. I can talk to one person in the room and I can have a full conversation with myself.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. All these things shall be added to you.” God wants me to seek after him, hunt after him, go after him first. Don’t make him second. Make him first today.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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