Natural Arguments for God’s Existence
We’ve heard a lot of people say to “follow the science” in recent months; however, the scientific field often rejects biblical accounts. In this article, Bro. Oxendine shares four arguments for God’s existence from nature.
Faith or Fear?
What can we do when fear stares us in the face? Mrs. Tabitha Fanara gives us the answer.
What Is Faith?
What exactly does the word “faith” mean? Bro. Lankford Oxendine shares the definition, importance, and how to increase our faith in this article.
Always Obey God
In 1 Kings 13:1-22., God is dealing with a man of God. At least 15 times, he is referred to as “a man of God.” In verses 2-3, he spoke as a man of God, without fear speaking out against the Pagan altar which Jeroboam…
Unbelief Limits God
In the New Testament, the word unbelief is translated from two Greek words—apistia and apeitheta. While the first offers an almost identical definition of its English counterpart, the second presents a more convicting interpretation for the child of God—disobedience. To harbor unbelief, then, is to…
A Message for a Nation in Crisis
There is no debating the fact that our nation is in crisis–politically, socially, economically, physically, and definitely spiritually. In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper encourages Christians with three truths to consider while in crisis.
A Yoke for Two
We all know what it is like to carry objects that are too heavy for us, and yet we insist on doing so for one reason or another. However, Jesus commands us to take on additional weight in order to make our yoke lighter and easier to carry. Dr. Hans Nikoley explains how taking on Jesus’s yoke really makes ours easier to carry.
That’s Not How it Was Supposed to Happen!
Have you ever been disappointed? Have you ever had people let you down or felt that God had let you down? In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper teaches us what to do when we feel let down by man or God.
Gaining Ground for God
n any battle, you must take action in order to gain the victory. The Christian life is no exception. Winning the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil requires action as Pastor John Evertson aptly reminds us in this article.
A Recipe for Contentment – Part 2
It is easy to get caught up in trying to obtain more and better things, so how can we learn to be content with the things we have? Dr. Hans Nikoley gives us the answer in this article.
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