What Kind of Church Member Are You?
In this insightful video, Pastor Jack Trieber discusses the dangers of being a high-maintenance church member, using the example of Diotrephes in the New Testament. He emphasizes the importance of not seeking personal preeminence and instead focusing on the needs of others in the church. #help4today
So Refreshing
From time to time, everyone needs to be refreshed. In this brief article, Mrs. Chung shares a few things that we can do to refresh others.
Five Basic Principles of the Christian Life in 2022
Happy New Year! Dr. Nikoley provides us with a simple outline on to have a successful Christian life in 2022.
Building Internal Character – Part 2
Dr. Nikoley continues his series on the importance of character and looks at Abraham as an example of what it means to be dedicated to God and family.
The Preacher Who Gets the Power
It is impossible to do the work of God and please God without the power of God. In this brief article, Pastor Cooper explains why some have the power of God and others do not.
The Man That God Uses
God uses people from different backgrounds, different cultures, different social brackets, and different ages. However, there are five traits that will be found in every individual that God greatly uses as explained by Pastor Cooper in this article.
What Is Your Name?
What does your name mean? Do you think it matches who you really are? In this article, the author teaches us a lesson about our name.
How to be an Awesome Soldier in the Army of God
We may not be required to enlist in the armed forces, but as Christians, we are tasked with being a “soldier of Jesus Christ.” So, how exactly is a woman (or a man) supposed to do that? Joy Flint examines the centurion’s characteristics and looks at how we too, can be an “awesome soldier.”
Principles Jesus Proclaimed
Wouldn’t it be a relief if we could pick up the phone and ask Jesus how to lead our business, work our job, or guide our church? In a sense, we can! Pastor John Evertson examines the Word of God and looks at five principles Jesus taught that will help us today.
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