Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)
Life is full of contrasts. There are times of plenty and times of shortage, hectic times, and slow times. Currently, we find ourselves in a time of slowing down and lots of stillness. Our current lifestyle is in stark contrast to the average daily race of juggling work, family, church, shopping, and many other things.
As Christians, we believe that everything happens for a reason. God is in control, and whether it be good and bad that comes our way, there is a purpose for this time. In this season of stillness, have you asked yourself this question?
“God, what is it that you want me to grow in or learn during this time.”
God is never wasteful, and this period may seem like it is putting us behind on our plans or goals, but God is ever at work. Each of us has a specific purpose, and God desires to work in our lives so we can fulfill that purpose.
In Psalm 46, God is reminding us that there is profit in the slow times. The distractions that we constantly face have been stripped away. The world shouts for our attention, often drowning out the voice of God as He tries to teach and direct us. God will never scream for attention. His “still, small, voice” works in our heart calling us to actively listen and push aside the cares of this world and give Him the prominence.
How Does Psalm 46:10 Help Us Today?
The Right Order
Take notice of the order found in this verse. We must first be still, and then God will show Himself, giving us the confirmation to know that He is working. This cannot happen unless we first stop and listen.
The Right Outcome
The end of the matter will reveal itself. God promises us that He will come out on top. He will be exalted above both those who criticize His methods (the heathen) and above the philosophy of man and our wisdom (in the earth).
Are you needing direction from God? Do you find yourself longing for a closer relationship with Him? God has given us an opportunity to become re-acquainted with the sound of His voice. The stillness is not a hindrance, but a benefit.
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Matt Waterhouse, GSBC Chairman of the Music Department
Bro. Waterhouse serves as the Chairman of the Music Department at Golden State Baptist College. He also serves as a pianist and singer at NVBC.
Thank you so much for these daily Bible Study Helps! Each one is a blessing. I appreciate the time that has been invested to help and encourage others! Praying for Dr. Trieber and the ministries there in Santa Clara.