The weather has recently changed here. Finally, we are getting some cold days! Temperatures are down into the 50s. (Yes, I see you East Coast dwellers shaking your head at me.) Cold mornings call for warm muffins and bread baked for breakfast. My wooden recipe box contains recent printed papers from Pinterest and faded 3×5 cards in my Grandmother’s handwriting.
One of her cherished recipes was for Applesauce muffins, a fall favorite in our home. In the early hours one morning this past week, I was reading my Bible while waiting for a batch to bake. I came to the fifth chapter of Matthew, and another recipe jumped out at me. This one was not for blueberry muffins or pumpkin bread, but rather something of far greater value. It was a recipe for blessings. Just as my Applesauce muffins have certain ingredients, so the blessing of our Lord requires certain behavior. I took some time to look up these words, for I desire the right ingredients for God’s blessings.
Blessings for:
- Those who are poor in spirit – an inner accepting of yourself, not being fake
- Those who mourn – a quiet grieving
- Those who are meek – humbly patient
- Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness – an inner desire for the things of God and His work
- Those who are merciful – full of compassion, kindly forbearance that is shown toward the offender
- Those who are pure in heart – free from contamination
- Those who are peacemakers – try to make peace but also don’t stir the pot
- Those who are persecuted for righteousness sake – taking a stand for our Lord
- Those who are reviled – spoken to abusively
By the time the timer went off, I was convicted. I crave the blessings of God, not just for myself, but for my family and the ministry’s sake. It is not enough to have just a few items that the recipe calls for. If you try to bake with just a few of the ingredients, it never turns out correctly. No, you need to go down the recipe card and mix in every item.
As your baking season warms up, may I encourage you to try another recipe, a recipe for blessings.
Applesauce Muffins
½ c. of applesauce
½ c. of vegetable oil
¾ c. of white sugar
1 ½ c. of flour
½ tea. of baking powder
½ tea. of baking soda
½ tea. of cinnamon
½ tea. of nutmeg
1 tea. allspice
Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes
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Miriam Chung, Christian School Teacher
Mrs. Chung grew up around the work of the ministry and now has the privilege of teaching at the North Valley Baptist Schools. She and her husband faithfully teach young people and are a vital asset to the ministry of NVBC.
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