The Miracle of Christmas – Part III
Dr. Nikoley continues his series on Christmas as we approach this special occasion. This article examines the miracle of fulfilled prophecy concerning Christ’s birth.
“Let It Snow”
The first official day of winter is right around the corner, and with winter comes that special thing called snow. In this article, Bro. Burcham expounds on the comparison between snow and God’s forgiveness from Isaiah 1:18.
The Miracle of Christmas – Part II
Dr. Nikoley explains the importance of the virgin birth to the miracle of Christmas in this article.
Christmas Music You Can Trust & Enjoy 24/7
Listen to a great variety of classic Christmas favorites you know and love 24/7 on!
Exhorting One Another in the Last Days
We are given some very specific warnings in the Word of God, including the importance of church attendance. Dr. Nikoley explains the dangers of willfully disobeying God in this article.
Three Magnificent Men
The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is one of the most familiar of the Bible. Bro. Craig Burcham shares some instructive truths from this inspirational story.
Let Them Know
If we are not careful, we will listen to the whispers of the wicked one who tells us no one cares and nothing we do matters. Mrs. Chung provides examples of how untrue that statement is in this article.
“Oh, It Was Nothing”
A smile, a passing greeting, a small kindness, a word of encouragement, a thoughtful note—it’s nothing, really. But is that true?
Evidence of the Grace of God in the Home
The evidence of the grace of God in the home is certainly becoming rarer in our society. It would be easy to pass the blame on others, but Dr. Nikoley reveals who deserves the blame in this article.
Three Model Men
The Word of God is filled with people of great faith who serve as an example to follow. Bro. Craig Burcham examines the characteristics of three men that we should emulate in our lives.
Thessalonians: A Text for Missions
Nothing is nearer to the heart of God than the winning of souls. Pastor Cooper explains how a church can fulfill the Great Commission and reap the Lord’s blessings.
Earnestly Contend for the Faith
Dr. Nikoley reminds us that we are commanded to contend for the faith and explains what we are to battle for.
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