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Missions Helps

How Shall They Hear?

Ezekiel writes about a warning that God gave him in the form of a short description of two men. Ezekiel’s story plays out in our day in the following tale of two boys. Billy is born in a quaint mid-American town to wonderful Christian parents….

Bible Study Helps

Unbelief Limits God

In the New Testament, the word unbelief is translated from two Greek words—apistia and apeitheta. While the first offers an almost identical definition of its English counterpart, the second presents a more convicting interpretation for the child of God—disobedience. To harbor unbelief, then, is to…

Bible Study Helps

The Attributes of God

Attributes are those characteristics or qualities that are an inherent part of someone.  It’s vital that every living soul learn God’s attributes to truly know, love, and worship Him. Holiness When dealing with God, holiness is perfection, absolute purity, and having no sin. “Because it…