Are You Right With Your Bible?
What is the key to living a blessed life? Pastor Cooper shows us from Psalm 1 how being right with the Bible can lead to a successful Christian life.
Finding Contentment in Egypt
Many struggles awaited Joseph (Jesus’ earthly father) when the Lord commanded him to flee to Egypt. How was he able to find contentment in such a challenging place? The author shows us how we can have contentment in the midst of trials.
Take Heed to Your Spirit
Do you have a good spirit? What does having a good spirit mean? Pastor Trieber lists four prevailing attitudes of a good spirit that all Christians can have.
Satisfied Spiritually
We can accomplish much for Christ if we become more concerned with spiritual needs than physical ones. The author gives us 3 ingredients that can satisfy us spiritually.
What About the Bible?
Once more the clouds of doubt seem to be sweeping across the ranks of Fundamentalism concerning the King James Bible. The author shows how we can place confidence in the KJV and explains why it is the preserved, inspired Word of God.
The LORD Is Good – The Excellent Savor of His Goodness
In this brief article, Bro. Craig Burcham sheds light on the phrase “the LORD is good.” In the first installment of this seven-part series, he shows how the psalmist illustrated the goodness of the Lord with food.
Living Life God’s Way
The choice of living life our way or living life God’s way seems like a no-brainer decision, yet many choose poorly. Pastor Evertson takes a look at the lessons Peter learned about living life God’s way and how we can apply it in our lives.
The Wise Man
We hear a lot about wise men this time of year. Even as we shop, we listen to songs about the “three wise men.” David Russ examines what God has to say about wise men and how to be one in this practical article for youth and Christians of all ages.
A Measuring Stick for Music
Music is one of the most difficult subjects in which to establish scriptural boundaries for the believer. Some say it is just a personal preference or an opinion. Bro. Waterhouse shows us a biblical measuring stick for setting boundaries in our music.
Standing in the Battle
What do you do when you are standing in a battle you don’t want to fight? Bro. Burcham shows us three things we can do when the situation looks bleak.
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