Isn’t it wonderful how our Lord provides us with ample opportunities for a new beginning?
- Each minute
- Each hour
- Each day
- Each week
- Each month
- Each year
- Each decade
With all of these time markers, a chance to begin anew unfolds.
The first of any occasion is also noteworthy and tinged with great excitement—the first birthday, the first anniversary, the first time as a parent, your first job, your first car, the first day of school, and other momentous events.
Today marks the beginning of a new month. May all of us carefully consider how we will invest our time, talents, energy, and finances into the next thirty days. Let us examine our calendars and achieve our goals so that April will be characterized by accomplishment and productivity.
- Plan to read the Bible and pray daily.
- Plan to eat properly this month. Say “no” to sugar and caffeine.
- Plan to exercise.
- Plan to spend time daily with your mate and family.
- Plan to be involved in soul winning.
- Plan to tithe.
- Plan to live on a budget.
- Plan to attend every church service.
- Plan to make Easter special.
- Plan to remember special days (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).
The list could go on and on.
Do not plan to accomplish these tasks later. Begin today.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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