A smile, a passing greeting, a small kindness, a word of encouragement, a thoughtful note—it’s nothing, really. But is that true?
Yesterday I did a very small kindness for a dear friend. Several hours later, I found that she had sneaked a thank you card into my purse. As I read her note of appreciation, I thought to myself, “That is very sweet. She is a thankful person, but it was nothing really.” This morning on my desk was another thank you from this person in which she embellished on how appreciative she was of my friendly act and my attitude in helping her. Again I thought to myself that she is a very thankful person, letting no act of kindness go unnoticed. Though it took only a little of my time, I was more than compensated by her notes of appreciation.
Then I got to thinking that though it was not a great act on my part, to her it was very helpful and meaningful. She even said that she would never forget my kindness. After reading her notes, the Lord brought these thoughts to my mind:
- There is no “little” kindness. Every act of kindness, no matter how small—a smile, opening a door for someone, letting someone in line ahead of you, doing a quick errand, lending a hand, writing a note of appreciation, or whatever it may be—always brings someone else a moment of pleasure.
- In addition, it brings you a feeling of pleasure as well. After my deed of kindness was finished, even before seeing my friend’s first thank you note, I thanked the Lord for allowing me to be a blessing to someone. After all, in my time with the Lord that morning, I had asked the Lord to make me a blessing and encouragement to someone. It brings great satisfaction to know that our Lord has used you to help someone else.
- I appreciated the first thank you note and thought no more about the afternoon’s activity. However, after receiving the second thank you note and being pleased that she had truly been blessed by my actions, I realized how important it is to show our thanks and appreciation to others, no matter how small the task. Sometimes a heartfelt “Thank you” is sufficient, but a handwritten note of thanks or a text adds substance to your words of appreciation.
So to my friend whom I was able to help yesterday, I say “Thank you” for being a blessing to me by allowing me to be used of the Lord in your moment of need and also for being used of God to encourage me not to let the opportunity to do any little deed of kindness be wasted.
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” – Matthew 7:12“
And be ye kind one to another.” – Ephesians 4:32
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Pat Carr, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Carr was born and raised in San Francisco, where she was saved at the age of 11 at Calvary Baptist Church. She and her family have been members of North Valley Baptist Church since 1982. Mrs. Carr has worked in various ministries on the church staff since then. She is presently a typist for Pastor Trieber.
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