Going to See the Son
The story of Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24 may be a familiar one to us, but the author shows us what this passage teaches us about our relationship with Christ.
The Pearl of Great Price
In this article, Pastor Evertson shares three encouraging thoughts from the parable of the pearl of great price.
A Light In The Darkness
In this article, Bro. Craig Burcham reminds us that Jesus is the Light of the world.
What’s So Great About Christmas?
Christmastime is a favorite for many, and in this article, Bro. Nikoley shares what truly makes this season the most wonderful time of the year.
The Greatest News for Man
In a day of bad news, it’s always a blessing to hear a good report. In this article, Pastor Cooper shares the best news you’ll ever hear.
Are You a Nominal Christian?
Dr. Hans Nikoley asks this thought-provoking question, giving us the telltale signs and also the biblical remedy.
The Speaking Blood
Here Bro. Craig Burcham compares the blood of Abel and the blood of Jesus Christ. While Abel’s blood speaks of death, the blood of Jesus Christ life everlasting.
Understanding Sin
Before a person can truly be saved, he must understand his lost condition and need for a Savior. In this article, Bro. Oxendine shares the origin and result of sin so that we can have a proper understanding of sin.
Singing ‘Neath the Shadow of the Cross
As Brother Craig Burcham reminds us here, even when we don’t feel like singing, we have an example and a reason to sing praises unto our God.
Every born-again believer has the privilege of being a member of God’s family. In this article, Bro. Oxendine examines some adoption rights that we receive from the Lord through the process of adoption.
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