Getting Your House Hooked on God
Houses come in varying shapes and sizes, but regardless of their physical structure, the most important thing is the spiritual atmosphere of those that inhabit the home as Pastor Cooper explains in this article.
The Example of a Servant
In this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley explains the qualities of a true servant of Jesus Christ.
Spend Less and More
As we work at spending less money on discretionary items these days, let’s also be willing to spend more in the way of our service toward others.
Charge Your Battery
Have you ever killed your car battery by leaving the lights on? Our spiritual batteries can also be drained. In this article, Bro. Jim Carey tells us how to recharge our spiritual batteries.
Recruiting Ravens
God often chooses seemingly unimpressive vessels to accomplish a mighty work for His glory. In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper appeals to Christians to learn this lesson from a common bird.
Be Faithful Unto Death
In this article, Pastor Trieber challenges Christians to find what God would have them fulfill with their lives and to stick to that calling.
Gathering Dust
Our world has been forced to slow down, and many have been sheltered in place. Mrs. Lauren Morris explains that as churches begin to reopen, it’s time for Christians to shake off the “dust” and return to the work of the Lord.
Consider Your Bus Ministry Now
During the last few months, churches had to adapt, and some ministries had to be placed on hold–one of those ministries was the bus ministry. With restrictions beginning to ease around the nation, Bro. Luke Flood explains that preparation should be made now for the return of this great ministry.
Lay Up For Yourselves
Are you laying up treasures for someone else or for yourself? Pastor Tom Apusen shows us God’s plan for laying up treasures for yourself.
Some Few Men With Me
Every man of God faces struggles unknown to others. Bro. Luke Flood encourages us to be a “spring of encouragement and source of strength to our spiritual leaders.”
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