A Millennial’s Message
In these uncertain days we are living in, what helps you? What is it that lifts your spirits? In this article, Charlene Ilan shares with us her favorite word of encouragement.
Give Thanks Unto The Lord
In this article, Dr. Nikoley reminds us that we still have much to be grateful for even when the circumstances of life don’t go our way.
‘Tis the Season to be, STRESSED OUT!
The holiday season is packed with many fun and happy events, but all of these events can cause undue stress. Mrs. Tabitha Fanara gives us some tips to keep the holidays happy for all.
The Blessed Life
Psalm 1:1-3 – Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law…
Deny, Take Up, and Follow
Many of us live life with great burdens on our shoulders. In this article, the author shows us how we can continue following Christ even with our burdens.
Treat It Like It’s His!
What can sharing toys with siblings teach us about the Christian life? Miss Brittany Sears shares a helpful lesson that she learned from her childhood experiences.
God Is a Creator Who Is Interested in His Creation
Sometimes our circumstances in our lives make us feel like we’re all alone; but in this article, Bro. David Sloan reminds us that our God never forgets us, and He never leaves us.
The Contrasting Christ–Our Complete Christ!
In this encouraging article, Pastor Justin Cooper reminds us that Jesus is everything and can meet our every need.
Pull the Weeds
In this article, Bro. Carey explains that just as it takes due diligence to properly control the weeds in a yard; it takes the same diligence to prevent “weeds” from growing in the hearts of children.
Thank You, 2020
In this Thanksgiving season, do you have trouble finding reasons to be thankful for 2020? Charlene Ilan gives us some reasons she is thankful for 2020.
Free Bible Lessons for Kids
With many churches being unable to meet together for Sunday school, children have been missing out on their weekly kids’ programs. Here is a free series of Bible lessons for kids!
Are You a Nominal Christian? – Part 2
In part 2, Bro. Nikoley addresses and gives four reasons for God’s judgment against Moab.
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